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Sculpting full figure pieces in Stone!

Douglas Squarek  sculpting the Nun

This picture, of me sculpting the "Nun", was take cica1971. I don't have a color photograph of the piece. It was a magnificent piece of Jade-quality Serpentine from Northern Quebec.


The colors in the stone were similar to those in this rather grainy snap of "Sunday" to the right. Sunday was sold by Gold Design Fine Art Gallery of Calgary.

The Nun, circa 1971

Squarek serpentine  sculpture


Almost Liberated

Full-figure sculpture

It takes courage to cut into the stone, especially when you need to cut completely through to tell the story.


This gorgeous piece of serpentine was only slightly larger than she is now. It was as wide as her shoulders and as tall as she. I had to be efficient. I was thrilled by the light green that highlighted her told me where to start. As she began to take shape, so did the concept. Almost liberated! I wanted her to be strong, determined, oblivious of the unseen forces that held her mercilessly on her knee.


How will she ever free herself? How will she rise to her rightful place? Consumed―straining against the bonds that hold her fast…she needs our help to cut away the shackles that remain

Full-figure sculpture

First Warm Rays of Spring

I feel that my sculptures project a sense of calm. Here the figure, wrapped in warm clothing to fend of the coolness of the morning, relishes the warmth of the rising sun on her open face.


She seems pleased, grounded, and ready for the day ahead!


Like her I cherish quiet moments of reflection. I admired my father’s inner calm. He was sure and strong. I like to create subjects that  savor the moment they’re in.


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